17 Februari 2010

Sixth sense (Speeding-phase 3)

As I have written before, speeding on the street is difficult because you'll face so many "X" factors. Dodging others on the street while you are speeding is a risky business. Sometimes, there are crossing peds before your line, a traffic jam, and others lines.
When you found these while speeding, your adrenalin is rising and force you to be more focus. Then your arms and legs start to react before you even think about it. This is a critical point, if you try to think in this situation, then everything is too late. Let your reflect moves control your body.
You think that you can't do it, don't you? When you are not used to that kind of situation, you'll panic and grab anything. That's because you can't think that fast. Faster speed means faster execution. You'll learn this step by step as you face similar condition everytime you ride. Try to place yourself in an easiest condition first before attempting the harder one. As the example, try to execute a soft brake on a straightways before attempting it to tackle a corner. Then increase the speed, and do your soft braking practice again. Do it over and over again until you reach your speed limit.

So, why would we need this sixth sense for? And do we ever have this sixth sense? Actually, sixth sense is not exist in the world of street racers. they were just words to describe the ability to predict what's going to happen next. As an example, when you are approaching a corner, you hear a distance engine sound from the unseen part of the corner. You would think that another one is heading to the corner in the opposite direction of yours. Normally, you will anticipate this by making some space for that other thing to pass. By doing so, your own space to tackle the corner is narrower than before and you'll feel an enormous amount of pressure. You have to clear it in half wide of the road. This thought will take so much time and cause you a later execution. It's so not cool. The result will be a too much braking and shaky movement. It will be disrupting others who is watching you.
It is embarrassing, right?

Finally, this is the end of the beginners theory. When you have mastered your ride just like you flip your back hand, we'll continue with a higher level of speeding.
The next posts will tell about every small winning factor that you might not see it while speeding.
Good luck on your practice and please be very carefull.

Hary Joko Prasetiyo

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